Deploy free SSL certificates for all your nginx websites

Offical websites for reference

“Let’s Encrypt” page:

“Certbot” application:

Step 1. Install certbot and corresponding plugins

Execute the following in terminal to get certbot

sudo apt install certbot -y

If you would like to configure nginx after that, install python3-certbot-nginx additionally, otherwise an error ‘The requested nginx plugin does not appear to be installed’ may happen.

sudo apt install python3-certbot-nginx

Step 2. Run certbot

Either get and install your certificates automatically …

Run the following command to get a certificate and have certbot automatically edit your nginx configuration, all in one single step.

sudo certbot --nginx

certbot will read your nginx configurations at /etc/nginx/, list all your http sites, and after a certificate is applied, it will change configurations (modify listen 80 to listen 443 ssl, and use 301 to redirect http requests to https-enabled site).

Follow the prompts on screen, and everything is done.

Or, just get a certificate

To only apply for a certificate, and do the nginx configuration modifications by hand, use the following command.

sudo certbot certonly --nginx

After you have set up properly, visit your website to check if a lock icon appears in the URL bar of your browser.

How to renew the certificates?

The free certificates are only valid for 90-days, but can be renewed for unlimited times. The certbot packages come with a cron job or systemd timer which will renew the certificates automatically before they expire.

You can test automatica renewal for your certificates by running this command

sudo certbot renew --dry-run

To renew, use

sudo certbot renew

Deploy free SSL certificates for all your nginx websites
Bill Hu
Posted on
April 4, 2022
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