Bill Hu
饾殐饾殯饾殜饾殞饾殠饾殝饾殜饾殞饾殧 (饾殩饾殬饾殰饾殱 饾殯饾殠饾殞饾殠饾殫饾殱 饾殞饾殜饾殨饾殨 饾殨饾殜饾殰饾殱): 饾櫧饾殜饾殩饾殠饾櫞饾殯饾殯饾殬饾殯: '饾櫚饾殝饾殬饾殲饾殱' 饾殥饾殰 饾殫饾殬饾殱 饾殟饾殠饾殢饾殥饾殫饾殠饾殟

About Me

馃嚭馃嚫Carnegie Mellon 24-25 路 馃嚚馃嚦ShanghaiTech 20-24 路 馃嚭馃嚫UW-Madison Sp23

I鈥檓 currently a first year graduate of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), MSIN (Master of Science in Information Networking) program. Previously, I received by B.E. degree in Computer Science and Technology from ShanghaiTech University. In Spring 2023, I was admitted as an exchange student by University of Wisconsin-Madison Visiting International Students Program.

About this Blog

This blog is built with hexo and theme fluid.

Primary domain: www.billhu.us.

Also available at billhu0.github.io and billhu0.vercel.app

GitHub address for this blog: GitHub Link

Contact Me

Phone: 馃嚭馃嚫(United States) +1 (786) 548-1404

Github: @billhu0

LinkedIn: Bill Hu

Twitter: @billhu0

Facebook: Bill Hu

Instagram: @bill.hu0