[Lecture Notes] ShanghaiTech CS181 Artificial Intelligence

Lecture 1. Intro

Three types of approaches

1. Symbolism 符号

Representing knowledge with: symbols and their compositions (expressions). 用离散符号的组合表示knowledge.

Inference and learning: manipulating symbols.

Advantages: expressive; interpretable; rigorous. 表达能力强; 可解释,人可读; 有严密数理逻辑基础

Disadvantages: hard to learn; rigid. 难以学习; 脆弱.

2. Connectionism 连接主义

Representing knowledge with: interconnected networks of simple units (e.g. neural networks). 用大量简单计算单元的加权连接 (典型:神经网络)

Inference: follow the computation specified by the network.

Learning: optimization of connection weights.

Advantages: good performance; flexible. 表现好; 灵活

Disadvantages: black-box; data-hungry; hard to incorporate knowledge. 黑盒,人不可读,不可解释; 需大量训练数据; 难以融入先验知识

3. Statistical Approaches 基于统计的方法

Representing knowledge with: probabilistic models.

Inference and learning: probabilistic inference.

Advantages: interpretable; rigorous; learnable. 可解释; 严密; 可学习.

Disadvantages: less expressive; less flexible. 表达能力不如符号; 灵活性不如连接主义.

Course Overview

  • Search
  • Constraint satisfaction problems
  • Game
  • Propositional logic
  • First-order predicate logic
  • Probabilistic graphical models
  • Probabilistic temporal models
  • Probabilistic logics
  • Markov decision processes
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Machine learning
  • Introduction to natural language processing
  • Introduction to computer vision

Lecture 2. Search

Search Problems

A Search problem consists of:

  • A state space
  • A successor function
  • A start state and a goal test

World state: every detail of the environment

Search state: only the details needed for planning

bb is the branching factor (maximum number of child nodes).

mm is the max depth.

ss is the depth of the shallowest solution.

Num of nodes: 1+b+b2+=O(bm)1 + b + b^2 + \cdots = O(b^m)

Strategy: expand deepest node first.

Implementation: Fringe (a stack).

Time: O(bm)O(b^m) if mm is finite

Space: O(bm)O(bm) (because only has siblings on path to root)

Not complete (unless we prevent cycles).

Not optimal.

Strategy: expand shallowest node first.

Implementation: fringe (a queue).

Time: O(bs)O(b^s).

Space: O(bs)O(b^s).


Optimal only if all costs are 11.

Iterative Deepening

Idea: get DFS’s space advantage with BFS’s time advantage.

Space: O(bm)O(bm)

Time: O(bs)O(b^s)

Complete and optimal (unit cost).

Strategy: expand cheapest node first.

Implementation: fringe (a priority queue, priority = cumulative cost).

Complete and optimal, but slow.

Strategy: expand a node with smallest heuristic (estimate of distance to goal)

Fast, but not optimal, not complete.

Combine UCS with Greedy.

Optimal when heuristic is admissable (heuristic cost \leq actual cost).


  • admissible: 估计的cost小于实际cost
  • consistent: 相邻节点的heuristic之差小于这两个节点的距离

Tree search: admissible 则最优

Graph search (避免重复visit): consistent 则最优

Lecture 3. Constraint Satisfaction Problems 约束满足问题

Two types of search problems

  • Planning = standard search problems
  • Identification = constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs)

Backtracking Search 回溯搜索

Backtracking = DFS + variable-ordering + fail-on-violation

Filtering: Forward checking

Keep track of domains for unassigned variables and cross off bad options.

Filtering: constraint propagation

  • Node consistency (1): Each node has valid value.


  • Arc consistency (2): XYX\to Y is consistent IFF for every xx in the tail there is some yy in the head which could be assigned without violating a constraint.

    XYX\to Y: 在X中随便选一个,Y仍然有得选

  • K-consistency: For each kk nodes, any consistent assignment to k1k-1 can be extended to the kthk^{th} node.


  • Strong k-consistency: also k1k-1, k2k-2, …, 11-consistent.

Claim: Strong n-consistency means we can solve without backtracking.

Ordering: MRV (Min Remaining Value 最少剩余值)

Also called Most constrainted variable

Choose the variable with fewest legal left values in its domain

优先选择最少剩余量的选项 (选可选颜色数最少的点涂色)

Ordering: LCV (Least Constraining Value 最少约束值)

Choose the least constraining value (variable that rules out the fewest values in the remaining values)


Tree-structured CSPs

Theorem: If the constraint graph has no loops, the CSP can be solved in O(nd2)O(nd^2) time.


  1. Order: parents precede children
  2. Remove backward: for i in (n,2) removeInconsistent(Parent(Xi), i)
  3. Assign forward: for i in (1,n) assign Xi consistently with Parent(Xi)

Nearly tree-structured CSPs

Cutset conditioning ?

Lecture 4. Adversarial search


Value of a state: best achievable outcome (utility) from that state 能获得的最好成绩

Minimax value: best achievable utility against an optimal adversary 对手最优时可能获得的最好成绩

  • Compute each nodes’s minimax value

  • Implementation:

  • Efficiency:

    Just like exhaustive DFS (相当于彻底的DFS搜索)

    Time: O(bm)O(b^m), Space: O(bm)O(bm)

Depth-limited search (evalution functions)

  • Search a limited depth.

  • Replace terminal utilities with an evaluation function for non-terminal positions.

  • Ideal evalution function: actual minimax value of the state

  • Simple evalution function: weighted linear sum of features

  • Idea: limit branching factor by considering only good moves

Alpha-Beta pruning

  • Implementation

  • α\alpha-β\beta pruning 受到展开顺序的影响

  • Compute average score under optimal play (expected utilities = weighted avg of children)

Mixed layer types

  • Enviroment is an extra agent.
  • E.g. You, a random ghost, and an optimal ghost

Multi-Agent Utilities

  • Multiple players. Each player takes care of only his utility.

Lecture 5. Propositional Logic

Logic-based Symbolic AI

  • Knowledge base

    contains sentences representing knowledge


  • Inference engine

    can answer questions by following the knowledge base


Formal Language

Components of a formal language:

  • Syntax: 语法
  • Semantics: 语义 specifies the sentences is true/false in each model

PL (propositional logic)

  • Negation: ¬S\neg S
  • Conjunction: S1S2S1 \land S2 (and)
  • Disjunction: S1S2S1 \lor S2 (or)
  • Implication: S1S2S1 \Rightarrow S2
  • Biconditional: S1S2S1 \Leftrightarrow S2

Logical equivalence

Validity and satisfiability

  • valid: true in all models
  • satisfiable: true in some models
  • unsatisfiable: false in all models


  • α=β\alpha \vert= \beta
  • models(α)models(β)models(\alpha) \subseteq models(\beta)
  • In every world where α\alpha is true, β\beta is also true.
  • False entails everything.

Proof of entailment

A proof A=BA |= B is a demonstration of entailment from AA to BB.

  • Method 1: model checking 模型检验

    ​ 通过枚举所有可能得模型来检验。复杂度高。

  • Method 2: application of inference rules

    • Search for a finite sequence of sentences each of which is an axiom or follows from preceding sentences by a rule of inference
      • axiom: 公理 a sentence known to be true
      • rule of inference: a function that takes one or more sentences (premises) and returns a sentence (conclusion)
    • Sound inference: 能证明出来的一定是entailed的
    • Complete inference: entailed的一定能被证明出来
    • 对于 Horn logic, Resolution 是 sound 和 complete 的

CNF (conjunctive normal form)

  • conjunction of disjunctions of literals (clauses)

    • literal: a simple symbol or its negation: AA or ¬A\neg A
    • clause: disjunction of literals : ABA\lor B
    • CNF: conjunction of literals: ABA \land B
  • conversion to CNF

    • 1: 把 ABA\Leftrightarrow B 换成 (AB)(BA)(A\Rightarrow B) \land (B\Rightarrow A)
    • 2: 把 ABA \Rightarrow B 换成 ¬AB\lnot A \lor B
    • 3: 把 ¬(AB)\lnot (A\lor B)换成 ¬A¬B\lnot A \land \lnot B ; ¬(AB)\lnot(A\land B) 换成 ¬A¬B\lnot A \lor \lnot B
    • 4: 用分配律 (\land over \lor)


为了证明 A=BA|=B, 我们去证明 A¬BA \land \lnot B unsatisfiable.

  • Step 1. Start from A¬BA \land \lnot B

  • Step 2. Build a set SS of sub-formulas

    • Write A¬BA \land \lnot B in CNF (写成 P1P2PkP_1 \land P_2 \land \cdots \land P_k 形式)
    • Let S=P1,,PkS = {P_1, \cdots, P_k}
  • Step 3. 对 SS 做 resolution: (XY)(¬XZ)YZ(X\lor Y)\land (\lnot X \lor Z) \Rightarrow Y \lor Z

    注: 不能说 (XY)(¬XZ)YZ(X\lor Y)\land (\lnot X \lor Z) \equiv Y \lor Z

  • Reach an empty clause

Horn Logic

普通 propositional logic 的 Inference 通常NPC复杂.

Horn logic 用 forward / backward chaining 可实现线性复杂度.

  • 形式: P1P2PnQP_1 \land P_2 \land \cdots \land P_n \Rightarrow Q¬P1¬P2¬PnQ\lnot P_1 \lor \lnot P_2 \lor \cdots \lor \lnot P_n \Rightarrow Q

  • Modus Ponens (MP规则): 所有前提fixed, 则结论 fixed

  • Forward chaining: 从facts入手, 加入新fact直到得到query

  • Backward chaining: 从query入手, 为证明query找前提条件

Forward chaining 对于 PL, FOL, Horn Logic 都是 sound 和 complete 的.

Backward chaining 对于 PL, FOL 是 sound 但 incomplete 的, 对于Horn是complete的.

Lecture 7. Bayesian Networks

  • 概率

    条件概率: P(ab)=P(a,b)P(b)P(a|b) = \frac{P(a, b)}{P(b)}

    p(y)p(xy)=p(x,y)p(y) p(x|y) = p(x,y)

    Bayes rule: p(xy)=p(yx)p(x)p(y)p(x|y) = \frac{p(y|x) p(x)}{p(y)}

    Chain rule: p(a,b,c)=p(a)p(ba)p(ca,b)p(a,b,c) = p(a) p(b|a) p(c|a,b)



  • DAG (directed, acyclic graph) 有向无环图
  • CPT (conditional probability table)
  • CPT for each node given its parents (每个节点存有 给定父节点的条件概率分布)


Global semantics


Conditional independence semantics

给定父节点, 则该节点与非子孙节点独立

Independence 符号

X ⁣ ⁣ ⁣YZX \perp\!\!\!\perp Y | Z

Markov blanket

Markov blanket consists of parents, children, children’s other parents (父,子,配偶)

Every variable is conditionally independent of all other variables given its Markov blanket.

给定markov blanket, 与所有其它变量条件独立

Common cause: 给定父节点(cause), 两个child(effects)独立

Common effect: 给定子节点(effect), 两个父节点(cause)不独立 (v-structure)


If all paths from X to Y are blocked (at least 1 inactive triple), then X is d-separated from Y by Z (X ⁣ ⁣ ⁣YZX \perp\!\!\!\perp Y | Z)

Markov networks

undirected graph(无向图+clique全相连子图) + potentials 势函数(为每个clique的打分, 未经normalize, 不是概率)

  • Undirected graph + potential functions

    • Undirected graph 无向图
    • For each clique or max clique, a potential function is defined
  • 联合概率 正比于 势函数乘积

    p(x)=1ZCψC(xC)Z=xCψC(xC)p(x) = \frac{1}{Z} \prod_C \psi _C (\mathbf{x}_C)\\ Z = \sum_{\mathbf{x}} \prod_C \psi_C (\mathbf{x}_C)

    ψC(xC)\psi_C (\mathbf{x}_C) is the potential over clique CC

    ZZ is the normalization coefficient (partition function)

  • Conditional Independence in Markov networks

    要判断A ⁣ ⁣ ⁣BCA\perp\!\!\!\perp B |C, 只需判断从A到B的所有path是否都被C挡住了

  • Markov blanket

    Markov blanket 就是这个节点的所有neighbor

Bayesian networks inference

Exact inference

Inference by enumeration

CPT相乘得联合概率, sum out 掉 hidden variables

  • Evidence variables: E1,,Ek=e1,,ekE_1, \cdots, E_k = e_1, \cdots, e_k
  • Query variable: QQ (我们想求: 给定EEQQ的条件概率, 即 P(Qe1,,ek)P(Q|e_1, \cdots, e_k))
  • Hidden variables: H1,,HrH_1, \cdots, H_r


  • Select the entries consistent with the evidence

  • Sum out HH to get joint distribution of QQ and EE

    P(Q,e1ek)=h1hrP(Q,h1hr,e1ek)P(Q, e_1\cdots e_k) = \sum_{h1\cdots h_r} P(Q, h_1\cdots h_r, e_1\cdots e_k)

  • Normalize

    Z=qP(Q,e1,ek)Z = \sum_q P(Q, e_1,\cdots e_k)

    P(Qe1ek)=1ZP(Q,e1ek)P(Q|e_1\cdots e_k) = \frac{1}{Z} P(Q, e_1\cdots e_k)

Variable elimination

对每个 hidden variable 做 join and eliminate

指数复杂度, 但当贝叶斯网络为 poly tree 时, 为线性复杂度

Efficient inference on polytrees

Approximate Inference

Prior sampling


Rejection sampling


Likelihood weighting

只对non-evidence采样, 为每个样本计算weight (weight为所有evidence var条件概率的乘积)

weight=evidencesp(evidenceparent of evidence)\mathrm{weight} = \sum_{\mathrm{evidences}} p(\mathrm{evidence} | \mathrm{parent\ of\ evidence})

Gibbs sampling

顺序采样, 每个样本由之前样本修改而来, 得到序列

Lecture 12. Probabilistic temporal models

Markov models

(Assume discrete variables that share the same finite domain).

Values in the domain is called states.

The transition model P(XtXt1)P(X_t|X_{t-1}) specifies how the state evolves over time.

Stationarity assumption: same transition probabilities at all time steps.

Markov assumption: 给定XtX_t, Xt+1,X_{t+1}, \cdotsX0,,Xt1X_0, \cdots, X_{t-1} 条件独立

  • 给定现在,过去与未来独立
  • 每个时间点只与前一个有关
  • First-order Markov Model

A k-th order model allows dependencies on kk earlier steps

Joint distribution: P(X0,,Xt)=P(X0)tP(XtXt1)P(X_0, \cdots, X_t) = P(X_0) \prod_t P(X_t | X_{t-1})

Markov models 是不是 Bayes nets 的特例? Yes and No.

  • Yes: 有向无环图, 联合概率 = 条件概率乘积
  • No: 无限多变量, 重复的transition model 不符合 标准Bayes net syntax.

Forward algorithm

Given initial distribution P(X0)P(X_0)

P(Xt)=xt1P(Xt,Xt1=xt1)=xt1P(Xt1=xt1)P(XtXt1=xt1)\begin{aligned} P(X_t) &= \sum_{x_{t-1}} P(X_t, X_{t-1} = x_{t-1})\\ &= \sum_{x_{t-1}} P(X_{t-1} = x_{t-1}) P(X_t|X_{t-1} = x_{t-1}) \end{aligned}


对于大多数markov chain, 最初的分布带来的影响越来越小, converge到的 stationary distribution 与最初分布无关.

Stationary distribution: P(X)P_\infty(X)

P(X)=P+1(X)=xP(Xx)P(x)P_{\infty}(X) = P_{\infty+1}(X) = \sum_x P(X|x) P_\infty (x)

Hidden markov models (HMM)

Only observe evidence EE. Underlying markov chain over states XX.

An HMM is defined by

  • Initial distribution P(X0)P(X_0)
  • Transition model P(XtXt1)P(X_t | X_{t-1})
  • Emission model P(EtXt)P(E_t | X_t)

Joint distribution

P(X0,,XT,E1,,ET)=P(X0)t=1TP(XtXt1)P(EtXt)P(X_0, \cdots, X_T, E_1, \cdots, E_T) = P(X_0) \prod_{t=1}^T P(X_t|X_{t-1})P(E_t|X_t)

Notation: Xa:b=Xa,Xa+1,,XbX_{a:b} = X_a, X_{a+1}, \cdots, X_b


给定所有evidence, 计算当前state的值的概率

Infer current state given all evidence: P(Xte1:t)P(X_t | e_{1:t})

P(Xt+1e1:t+1)=αP(et+1Xt+1)xtP(Xte1:t)P(Xt+1xt)P(X_{t+1} | e_{1:t+1}) = \alpha \cdot P(e_{t+1}|X_{t+1})\cdot \sum_{x_t}P(X_t | e_{1:t})P(X_{t+1}|x_t)

May skip normalization α\alpha.

每一步的复杂度是 O(X2)O(X^2), 其中 XX 是state数量

Most likely explanation

argmaxX0:tP(X0:te1:t)\arg\max_{X_{0:t}} P(X_{0:t}|e_{1:t})

The product of weights on a path is proportional to that state sequence’s probability.

Viterbi algorithm

For each state at time tt, keep track of (unnormalized) maximum probability of any path to it.

m1:t+1=Viterbi(m1:t,et+1)=P(et+1Xt+1)maxxtP(Xt+1xt)m1:t[xt]m_{1:t+1} = \text{Viterbi}(m_{1:t}, e_{t+1}) = P(e_{t+1}|X_{t+1})\max_{x_t}P(X_{t+1}|x_t)m_{1:t}[x_t]

时间空间复杂度与 forward algorithm 相同.

Dynamic Bayes Nets (DBNs)

每个 HMM 都是 DBN.

每个 discrete DBN 都能用 HMM 表示.

每个 HMM state 都是 DBN state variables 的 Cartesian product.

Particle Filtering

Exact inference: variable elimination

Approximate inference by particle filtering

  • Initially draw N<<XN << |X| particles, each has weight 1
  • Propagate forward: 根据 transition model 移动 particles
  • Observe: 根据 emission model 给每个 particle 加上权重
  • Resample: Draw N particles from the weighted sample distribution. 对加权后的sample重新采样, 采到的概率根据权重而定

如果没有 resample 这一步,那么 particle filtering 与 likelihood weighting 近似

Lecture 13. Markov decision processes


An MDP is defined by

  • State SS
  • Actions AA
  • Transition function T(s,a,s)T(s,a,s') or P(ss,a)P(s'|s,a)
  • Reward function R(s,a,s)R(s,a,s') and discount γ\gamma
  • Start state, terminal state

MDPs are non-deterministic search problems.

(In deterministic single-agent search problems, we want a plan, a sequence of actions)

For MDPs, we want an optimal policy π:SA\pi^*: S \rightarrow A

utility: sum of rewards

得到了MDP的policy之后,MDP表现得像关于policy的markov chain

Optimal quantities

  • value / utility of a state ss

    V(s)V^*(s) is the expected utility starting in ss and acting optimally

  • value / utility of a q-state (s,a)(s,a)

    Q(s,a)Q^*(s,a) = expected utility starting out having taken action aa from state ss and thereafter acting optimally

Bellman equation

Value of states (recursive definition)

V(s)=maxaQ(s,a)V^*(s) = \max_a Q^*(s,a)

Q(s,a)=sT(s,a,s)[R(s,a,s)+γV(s)]Q^*(s,a) = \sum_{s'} T(s,a,s')\left[R(s,a,s') + \gamma V^*(s')\right]

Bellman equation

V(s)=maxasT(s,a,s)[R(s,a,s)+γV(s)]V^*(s) = \max_{a} \sum_{s'} T(s,a,s')\left[R(s,a,s') + \gamma V^*(s')\right]

Value iteration

Time limited values: Vk(s)V_k(s) 是如果 kk 步之内结束, ss 的最佳值

Value iteration

  • Starting with V0(s)=0V_0(s) = 0

    Vk+1(s)=maxasT(s,a,s)[R(s,a,s)+γVk(s)]V_{k+1}(s) = \max_a \sum_{s'} T(s,a,s')\left[R(s,a,s') + \gamma V_k^*(s')\right]

  • Policy extraction (单步 expectimax)

    π(s)=argmaxasT(s,a,s)[R(s,a,s)+γV(s)]\pi^*(s) = \arg\max_a \sum_{s'} T(s,a,s')\left[R(s,a,s') + \gamma V^*(s')\right]

每一次迭代的复杂度: O(S2A)O(S^2 A)SS 是state数量, AA 是action数量

Theorem: 一定会收敛到唯一的最佳值 converges to unique optimal.

Q-value iteration

  • Starting with Q0(s,a)=0Q_0(s, a) = 0

    Qk+1(s,a)=sT(s,a,s)[R(s,a,s)+γQk(s,a)]Q_{k+1}(s,a) = \sum_{s'} T(s,a,s')\left[R(s,a,s') + \gamma Q_k^*(s', a')\right]

  • Policy extraction

    π(s)=argmaxaQ(s,a)\pi^*(s) = \arg\max_a Q^*(s,a)

Policy iteration

Step 1: Policy evaluation

  • Calculate utilities for some fixed (not optimal) policy

  • Start with V0π(s)=0V_0^\pi(s) = 0

  • Given VkπV_k^\pi, calculate

    Vk+1π(s)=sT(s,π(s),s)[R(s,π(s),s)+γVkπ(s)]V_{k+1}^\pi(s) = \sum_{s'}T(s, \pi(s), s') \left[ R(s, \pi(s), s') + \gamma V_k^\pi(s') \right]

  • Repeat until convergence

Step 2: Policy improvement

  • Update policy using one-step look-ahead with resulting converged (not optimal) utilities as future values.

  • One-step look-ahead

    πi+1(s)=argmaxasT(s,a,s)[R(s,a,s)+γVπi(s)]\pi_{i+1}(s) = \arg \max_a \sum_{s'} T(s,a,s') \left[ R(s,a,s') + \gamma V^{\pi_i}(s') \right]

Repeat until policy converges.

policy iteration 第一步的复杂度是 O(S2)O(S^2) per iteration, 总复杂度是 O(S2A)O(S^2A)

Policy iteration is still optimal, can converge much faster under some conditions. (policy iteration 不一定比 value iteration 快 [2019 Fall Final])

Lecture 14. Reinforcement Learning

Model based learning

Learn an approximate model based on experiences.

Solve for values as if the learned model is correct.

Step 1. Learn empirical MDP model

  • 对于每个 s,as,a 记住(当前state, 采取action之后的结果 ss')
  • Normalize 学习出 transition model T^(s,a,s)\hat{T}(s,a,s')
  • 遇到 s,a,ss,a,s' 时记下 reward R^(s,a,s)\hat{R}(s,a,s')

Step 2. Solve the learned MDP

  • e.g. Use value iteration

Passive reinforcement learning

给定固定的 policy π(s)\pi(s), 但不知道 TT, RR.

Execute the policy and learn from experience to get state values.

Direct evaluation: 直接估计未来 reward 之和, 不记录 transition model

  • 按照给定的 policy 去做
  • 每次访问一个 state 时, 记下 sum of discounted rewards
  • 取平均

Direct evaluation 好处:

  • Easy to understand
  • Does not require knowledge of TT, RR
  • Can compute correct average values using just state transitions


  • Wastes information about state connections
  • Each state must be learned separately
  • Take a long time to learn

Sample-based policy evaluation

Vk+1π(s)=sT(s,π(s),s)[R(s,π(s),s)+γVkπ(s)]V_{k+1}^\pi(s) = \sum_{s'} T(s, \pi(s), s') \left[R(s,\pi(s), s') + \gamma V_k^\pi(s')\right]

此处不知道T和R, 所以采用sample的方式

sample1=R(s,π(s),s1)+γVkπ(s1)samplen=R(s,π(s),sn)+γVkπ(sn)sample_1 = R(s,\pi(s), s_1') + \gamma V_k^\pi (s_1')\\ sample_n = R(s,\pi(s), s_n') + \gamma V_k^\pi (s_n')

Vk+1π(s)=1nisampleiV_{k+1}^\pi(s) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_i sample_i

Temporal Difference Learning

Idea: update V(s)V(s) each time we experience a transition (s,a,s,r)(s,a,s',r)

Sample of V(s)V(s) is

sample=R(s,π(s),s)+γVπ(s)sample = R(s, \pi(s), s') + \gamma V^\pi(s')


Vπ(s)=(1α)Vπ(s)+αsampleV^\pi(s) = (1-\alpha)V^\pi(s) + \alpha \cdot sample

(越新的sample越重要, forget about the past)


Sample-based Q-value iteration

Qk+1(s,a)=sT(s,a,s)[R(s,a,s)+γmaxaQk(s,a)]Q_{k+1}(s,a) = \sum_{s'} T(s,a,s') \left[R(s,a,s') + \gamma \max_{a'}Q_k(s', a')\right]

Sample (s,a,s,r)(s,a,s',r) is

sample=R(s,π(s),s)+γmaxaQ(s,a)sample = R(s, \pi(s), s') + \gamma \max_{a'} Q(s', a')

Update new estimate

Q(s,a)=(1α)Q(s,a)+αsampleQ(s,a) = (1-\alpha) Q(s,a) + \alpha \cdot sample

Approximate Q-learning


Approximate Q-learning 属于 model-free learning. [2019 Fall Final]

Reinforcement learning

​ MDP without knowing T and R

​ Offline planning VS online learning

Model based learning

Model free learning

​ Policy evaluation: Temporal Difference Learning

​ Exponential moving average

​ Computing q-values / policy: Q-learning

Exploration vs exploitation

​ random exploration, exploration function

Approximate Q-learning

​ Feature-based representation of states

Lecture 15. Supervised machine learning

Supervised learning

  • Input: 有标注的训练集 (xj,yj)(x_j, y_j), yj=f(xj)y_j = f(x_j)
  • Output: 尽可能接近 target function ff 的函数 hh (hypothesis)

Supervised learning 的类型

  • Classification: 离散输出
  • Regression: real-valued 输出
  • Structured: structured 输出

Naive bayes classifer

Naive bayes model:

P(Y,F1,,Fn)=P(Y)iP(FiY)P(Y, F_1, \cdots, F_n) = P(Y) \prod_i P(F_i|Y)

所做的假设: 给定label YY, 所有features独立


Bag-of-words naive bayes

Features: WiW_i is the word at position ii

P(Y,W1,,Wn)=P(Y)iP(WiY)P(Y, W_1, \cdots, W_n) = P(Y) \prod_i P(W_i|Y)

Each word is identically distributed.

All positions share the same conditional probabilities P(WY)P(W|Y). 所有位置CPT相同

Called ‘bag-of-words’ because model is insensitive to word order or reordering.

Inference for naive bayes

Goal: P(Yf1,,fn)P(Y|f_1, \cdots, f_n)

Step1. Get joint probability of label and evidence for each label


Step2. Normalization

Maximum likelihood estimation

empirical rate (frequency of seeing this outcome)

PML(x)=count(x)total samplesP_{ML}(x) = \frac{\mathrm{count}(x)}{\mathrm{total\ samples}}

Using empirical rate will overfit the training data.

Important concepts

Learn parameters (e.g. model probabilities) on training set

Tune hyperparameters on held-out set

Compute accuracy of test set

Overfitting: learn to fit the training data very closely, but fit the test data poorly

Generalization: try to fit the test data as well


  • 训练集不能代表真实的数据分布
    • 训练集太少 或 训练集噪声太多
  • 太多attributes, 部分属性与分类任务无关
  • 模型过于 expressive


  • 更多训练集
  • 去除无关属性
  • 使用正则化、提前停止、pruning等手段限制模型的expressiveness

Laplace smoothing

Laplace’s estimate: pretend you saw every outcome k extra times

PLAP(x)=c(x)+kx[c(x)+k]P_{LAP}(x) = \frac{c(x)+k}{\sum_x \left[c(x)+k\right]}

Linear classifiers (perceptrons)

Inputs are feature values. Each feature has a weight.

Sum is the activation.

Output +1 if wf(x)+b>0w\cdot f(x) +b > 0, -1 otherwise

训练(更新): w=w+yfw=w+y^*\cdot f

Lecture 16. Unsupervised machine learning



Voronoi diagram: partitions the space by nearest cluster center

Consider the total distance to the means

Two stages

  • fix means c, update assignments a
  • fix assignments a, update means c


EM can be used to learn any model with hidden variables (missing data). [Fall 2019 Final]

  • E-step: Assign data instances proportionately to different models 计算每个数据点属于不同cluster的可能性分布

    P(yj=ixj,θ(t))πi(t)N(xjμi(t),Σi(t))P(y_j = i | x_j, \theta^{(t)}) \propto \pi_i^{(t)} N(x_j | \mu_i^{(t)}, {\Sigma}_i ^{(t)})

  • M-step: Revise each cluster model based on its proportionately assigned points. 更新cluster的分布

GMM (Gaussian mixture model / mixture of Gaussians)

当使用EM学习GMM时, M-step计算的是weighted maximum likelihood estimation (MLE).

当 all the Gaussians are spherical and have identical weights and covariances, with hard assignments 的时候, EM降级成k-means

Lecture 16. NLP 自然语言处理

Constituency Parsing

Constituent parse tree (phrase structure)

每个中间的节点代表一个 phrase / constituent

Grammar: the set of constituents and the rules that govern how they combine

Context-free grammars (CFGs) (phrase structure grammars) 四个组成部分

  • A set Σ\Sigma of terminals (words)
  • A set NN of nonterminals (phrases)
  • A start symbol SNS\in N
  • A set RR of production rules (specifies how a nonterminal can produce a string of terminals and/or nonterminals)

Dependency grammar: focus on binary relations among words. (CFG focus on constituents)

Sentence generation

  • 使用grammar生成string
  • 从仅有 start symbol SS 开始, 递归地使用rules重写句子直到只剩下 terminals

Sentence Parsing

  • Taking a string and grammar, return one or more parse trees for that string
  • Probabilistic grammars (stochastic grammars): 每条规则具有概率, parse tree的概率是使用过的每条规则的概率之积
  • Ambiguity: 如果一句话有两个或以上的可能得parse tree, 则 ambiguous

Parsing algorithm

A brute-force approach

  • Enumerate all parse trees consistent with the input string
  • Problem: # of binary trees with nn leaves is Cn1C_{n-1} (exponential growth)

CYK algorithm

  • A bottom-up dynamic programming algorithm

  • Applies to CFG in Chomsky Normal Form (CNF)

    • 仅两种production rules: A → BC 和 A → w
    • 任何CFG都能转化为CNF
    • Probabilistic CFGs tend to assign larger probabilities to smaller parse trees. [Fall 2019 Final]
  • Build a table so that a non-terminal A spanning from i to j is placed in [i-1, j]

  • S (span整个string) 应该位于 [0, n]

  • Base case: 如果有一条规则 AwiA\to w_i,则 AA 应该在 [i-1, i] 的位置

  • Recursion: 如果 ABCA \to B C, BB 在 [i,k], CC 在 [k, j], 则 AA 在 [i, j]

  • Probabilistic parsing: 在运行CYK算法的时候,在 [i-1, j] 时,对于每个中间节点A添上最可能的由A出发覆盖 [i,j] substring 的parse tree的概率

Dependency Parsing

  • A dependency parse is a directed tree where
    • nodes are the words in a sentence (ROOT 是一个特殊的根节点)
    • links between words represent their dependency relations

Lecture 18. Final Review

That’s all!

[Lecture Notes] ShanghaiTech CS181 Artificial Intelligence
Bill Hu
Posted on
September 11, 2022
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